Real-life contestants battle it out in a video game-style competition to reach the top of the Tower! Casandra, Kimi, and Mac are thrust into a brutal (and seemingly virtual) world where danger lies in wait around every corner. With no time to solve the mystery of where they are or why they're here, they'll have to smarten up and join forces if they intend to survive, using their individualized weapons and animal assistants to outsmart deadly traps and ambushes. But loyalties will be tested, as only one (or one team!) can become the ultimate champion!
The trio has formed an alliance as they work their way up the Tower, but they're not the only ones with this idea; TEAM R.A.D. is off to a hot start, climbing to the top of the leaderboard. And if that's not bad enough, a rogue presence has entered the game and is hunting
down contestants one-by-one.
Unsure of who they can trust, Cas, Kimi and Mac split off on their own as a rogue assassin continues to hunt down contestants. But Mac soon makes a new ally named Kylie. And Cas? She just learned how to activate her "Animal Assistant," which might be exactly what she needs to give herself the advantage over the competition!
Only the best of the best remain! Cas and Kimi set off on their own, while Mac is quite impressed by the skills of his new partner, Kylie. But can he trust her any more than he did Cas and Kimi? And Cas comes face to face with the rogue presence who's been disrupting the game. She may not know who he is or what he wants, but Cas isn't going to let his plans get in her way!
The last remaining challengers face off against each other in a final showdown! Cas, Kimi and Mac are reunited, but can they find a way to trust each other again? It's the final push to the end. Who we claim victory at the top of the Tower?
Contestants are unwittingly thrust into a brutal real-life video game, where they use individualized weapons and animal assistants to outsmart deadly traps and rival teams to survive.--Publisher.