Devki Nandan Khatri was a prominent Indian writer who has made a timeless contribution to Hindi literature. He was born in 1861 in Puss in Muzaffarpur district, Bihar. His father was Lala ishwardas. Devaki Nandan Khatri had his early education in Urdu and Persian language. Later he studied Hindi, English and Sanskrit. He wrote his first novel, Chandrakanta, at the age of twenty-six. Some of his other popular compositions include bhootnath, qajar ki Kothari and Birendra Veer. Devaki Nandan Khatri wrote his novel Chandrakanta for serial publication. When it was collected into a book, It became the longest prose of modern Hindi prose ever. Princess Chandrakanta of vijaygarh state is of Marriageable age, but will she get her lover married to Virender Singh of neighbouring naugarh, or will she be forced to marry prime minister's son krr Singh?