Throughout history flowers have been an integral part of human survival and culture – as food, for medicine, to express feelings, as symbols, to commemorate and celebrate, and to decorate. Their shapes, colors, scents and textures have always attracted us, as they do animals and insects. Flowers are used as luxury spices (saffron), and as coloring and flavoring agents – marigolds fed to chickens make eggs more yellow and lavender was Elizabeth I's favorite flavor of jam. Flowers are full of symbolic meaning: violets represent modesty, daises purity and daffodils unrequited love. And they have always played an important role in culture through myths and legends, literature and the decorative arts. This delightful new book brings together 100 of the world's flowers to tell their remarkable stories. Each flower is richly illustrated in color and accompanied by facts about each species and what role it has played in our culture and history.
. Originelle und informative Darstellung von 100 Blumenarten aus aller Welt
. Über 300 botanisch genaue Illustrationen
. Folgetitel von 'Die Geschichte der Bäume'
Blumen waren immer ein fester Bestandteil des menschlichen Überlebens und der Kultur - als Nahrung, Medizin oder Ausdruck von Gefühlen. Dieses facettenreiche Buch versammelt 100 Blumen aus aller Welt, um ihre bemerkenswerten Geschichten zu erzählen. Erfahren Sie alles über erstaunliche Fakten und die Rolle, die jede vorgestellte Blume in unserer Kultur und Geschichte spielt.