This book is intended to be a companion text for university level students taking the Bachelor of Education degree in English and training to be secondary school teachers. At the same time, however, veteran teachers in the field are likely to find it to be a handy reference book. It is written from the point of view of classroom practice; with the teacher and the student very much in mind. The context within which English as a subject is taught at the secondary school in Kenya is outlined with a particular emphasis on the integrated approach. Similarly, the systems approach to teaching as applied to the teaching of literature is explained; teaching of the various genres; teaching aids and resources for teaching literature as well as the procedures for carrying out evaluation of students. Finally, space is dedicated to the expectations in terms of planning for teaching and the requisite professional documents are explained i.e. the scheme of work, lesson plan, work covered and students' progress records. In a nutshell, a conscious effort has been made to lay out best practice for the teacher in as lucid a manner as possible.