This two-part book puts the spotlight on how a TCP/IP stack works using Micrium¿s ¿C/TCP-IP as a reference. Part I includes an overview of the basics of Internet Protocol, and walks through various aspects of ¿C/TCP- IP implementation and usage. Part II makes use of the versatile Evaluation Board ¿C/Eval-STM32F107 (sold separately through Micrium) that is available for use with the book ¿C/OS-III: The Real-Time Kernel, as well as the IAR EWARM Development Environment and Application Examples for the ST Microelectronics STM32F107. The application examples in Part II of this book enable readers to develop their own prototypes using the expandable Evaluation Board.
This book is written for serious embedded systems programmers, consultants, hobbyists, and students interested in understanding the inner workings of a TCP/IP stack. ¿C/TCP-IP is not just a great learning platform, but also a full commercial-grade software package, ready to be part of a wide range of products.
The topics covered in this book include:
Ethernet technology and device drivers
IP connectivity
Client and Server architecture
Socket programming
UDP performance
TCP performance
System network performance