There are many reasons to write in a gratitude journal. For the purpose of this book, I will only mention a few since my intent is not to give you a course on gratitude, but in applying gratitude in your daily life to be able to have a life filled with joy, love and success.
Genuine gratitude journaling will help you:
Balance out your five spheres of well being.
Become more resilient.
Boost general health.
Develop empathy towards your surroundings.
Ease depression.
Enhance your creativity.
Feel inner peace.
Focus on your core values.
Gain a positive outlook on your present situation.
Have more energy.
Improve your relationships.
Lower your stress levels.
Motivate yourself to achieve your goals.
Nurture your self-esteem.
Prioritize what you really want in life.
Reflect on what is really important in life.
Self-reflect to become more easygoing.
Sleep better.
Stimulate you professionally.
Most importantly, the number one reason to practice gratitude is to feel and receive the positive energy of happiness and love in each second, minute, day, week, month and year of your journey on earth.