This is the fourth volume in
the well-established series of compendiums devoted to the subject of weld hot
cracking. It contains the papers presented at the 4th International
Cracking Workshop held in Berlin in April 2014. In the context of this
workshop, the term "cracking" refers to hot cracking in the classical and
previous sense, but also to cold cracking, stress-corrosion cracking and
elevated temp. solid-state cracking. A variety of different cracking
subjects are discussed, including test standards, crack prediction, weldability
determination, crack mitigation, stress states, numerical modelling, and
cracking mechanisms. Likewise, many different alloys were investigated
such as aluminum alloys, copper-aluminum dissimilar metal, austenitic stainless
steel, nickel base alloys, duplex stainless steel, creep resistant steel, and
high strength steel.
This is the fourth volume in the well-established series of compendiums devoted to the subject of weld hot cracking. It contains the papers presented at the 4th International Hot Cracking Workshop held in Berlin in April 2014. In the context of this workshop, the term "hot cracking" refers to elevated temperature cracking associated with either the weld metal or heat-affected zone. These hot cracking phenomena include weld solidification cracking, HAZ and weld metal liquation cracking, and ductility-dip cracking. The book is divided into three major sections based on material type; specifically aluminum alloys, steels, and nickel-base alloys.