Leading from the Roots is a primer for using what occurs in nature organically to move an organization and its leadership to the next level.
I wholeheartedly recommend Leading from the Roots: Nature Inspired Leadership Lessons for Today’s World. It’s valuable to leaders recognizing that the “same old, same old” no longer works. It's valuable to leaders attempting to rethink why and how they operate. Finally, it's indispensable to leaders inspired by the norms of nature to do something different and better for themselves, their people, and their organizations.
– Mitchell Friedman, EdD, APR, Leadership & Communication Skills Trainer,
In "Leading from the Roots," she offers insights from the world of nature and ecology that serve as metaphors and templates for sustainable ways in which organizations and their leaders should function so that everyone benefits beyond the bottom line.
– Alan. L. Chase
Dr. Kathleen E. Allen wrote this book in hopes people will use inspirations found in nature to help businesses design a way out of complex problems. All the while, helping organizations to pursue a healthy understanding of the role that leadership processes play in creating a sustainable and fruitful future.
A compelling, well written and extensively researched guide on how organizations can look to the natural systems for direction on helping us overcome the short sighted and destructive practices that have brought us to the brink of ecological disaster. The book looks at organizations as a living organism that is interconnected to all other systems. As part of an evolving systems, generous organizations look to maximize the people that work within, constantly challenging, experimenting and making use of all the talent that their people have to offer.
– Harvey Deutschendorf