Margaret Randall (New York, 1936) lived in Cuba from 1969 through 1980 and returns often. In addition to her own literary production (poetry, essay, oral history), she has translated a great deal of Cuban work. Among it: Breaking the Silences: 20th Century Poetry by Cuban Wome), Only the Road / Solo el camino: Eight Decades of Cuban Poetry, Diapositivas / Transparencies by Laura Ruiz Montes, trillos precipicios concurrencias by Alfredo Zaldívar, What the Vampire Told Them by Chely Lima, and books by Israel Domínguez, Yanira Marimón, Reynaldo García Blanco, and Teresa Melo (forthcoming). Soleida Ríos (Santiago de Cuba, 1950). Among her books, the most important are Poesía infiel, El libro roto, Libro cero, El texto sucio, Fuga. Antología personal, Secadero, Escritos al revés (National Literary Critics Prize), Aquí pongamos un silencio, Estrías (Nicolás Guillén National Poetry Prize), and two books of dreams.