In Words that Work: How to Get Kids to Do Almost Anything, author Alicia Eaton, a leading Harley Street Hypnotherapist & Advanced NLP Practitioner, explains how much easier it is to get children to co-operate.
Wouldn't it be fantastic if you could simply wave a magic wand at kids to get them to do as you'd asked, first time around?
Just imagine a life where you could put an end to:
- Embarrassing supermarket tantrums
- Sibling fights that drive you mad
- Endless arguments about mobile phones and screen time
- Mealtime nightmares with fussy eating and junk food cravings
Sounds too good to be true?
Well, it's easier to achieve than you think! In this book, Harley Street Clinical Hypnotherapist, NLP Practitioner and parenting expert Alicia Eaton, shares the secret to using the "Language of Persuasion and Influence". TV advertisers, politicians and salespeople use it to 'persuade' us to do things all the time and now, you can discover how and why certain words work and others most definitely don't.