Fishing, Rivers, Nature, Life, and God...Jim Larsen has been a fisherman and adventurer since childhood. Throughout life's ups and downs, his relationship with nature and fishing have sustained and inspired him. Fish On! is the story of Jim's experiences, from catching his first fish with his grandfather to the unique bond with a Forbidden River that shows the similarities between the life of a man and the life of a river. Full of fascinating anecdotes with elements of comedy, social commentary, wisdom, and romance, Fish On! shows that no matter what curve balls life throws at you, the beauty of the natural world is there to console and sustain you. Indispensable for outdoor enthusiasts, fishing devotees, and anyone who loves autobiography and real-life adventure, Fish On! has something for everyone...from introductions to fishing many lakes, rivers, and streams all over the western United States, to profound observations about life, love, and humanity's need to preserve our country's wild places and natural heritage.