Every aspiring author hopes to become a published professional, but there are many pitfalls on the way. For every writer who successfully manages to get an article published, either fiction or fact, there are literally hundreds who tried and failed. * * * * Emily Flora Klickmann was an English journalist, author, and editor. She was the editor of the "Girl's Own Paper" for 23 years, from 1908 to 1931, as well as publishing numerous novels, advice books, children's stories, and non-fiction on many topics including gardening, cooking, and needlework techniques. * * * * From her unique position as both an editor and writer, her book "The Lure of the Pen," provides the beginning writer with the advice and perspective needed to make the right decisions in creating an article or novel that is ready for publication. * * * * For the fiction writer she doesn't merely point out what needs to be done to make believable characters and situations, but also what needs to be avoided, such as "peculiarity is not originality" and "slang is quickly out-dated." * * * * Similarly, for the writer who specializes in the real world, she shows examples of how not to write an article (editors do not want repeat-subjects, verbosity is boring), as well as what will work in preparing a finished piece that is of interest not only to the editor, but also to the eventual reader (topicality is important, there is a time lag between when a magazine buys an article and when it is actually published). * * * * For both writers, she offers advice on how to deal with an editor, what is reasonable to expect, what is not. For example, one of the surest ways to fail at getting published is to insult the editor, his magazine, or his company, and Flora Klickmann points out how many aspiring writers do this without even realizing it. * * * * If you're trying to get what you write published, you need this book! * * * * Check our other Children's, Juvenile, and Adult books at www.FlyingChipmunkPublishing.com, or Friend us on Facebook for our latest releases.